Make sure to always click through to read the full Sprite Report!
Everyone is waiting in anticipation for the staking pools! That'll be the big news today and tomorrow. TCG will announce more tomorrow.
- The website link for the presale has CHANGED, please be aware.
It now reads as "Land Sale" on the site for the Presale - and the link is as follows:
- As one of the benefits of being a land owner, you can get access to the exclusive plot owners chat on Telegram. Today there was a soft announcement of a new member of the team today.
- TCG Tweeted out the Matic Grey tournament:
At the very least when viewing TCG World Tweets, please LIKE and RETWEET. Especially Retweet, as that really helps to spread word to the next potential investor!
Want to advertise on The Sprite Report?
I have that little area below my title available on the main image. Plus a little writeup at the top of the articles. Maybe more? Let's talk. You must be related to TCG World in some form or fashion.
This week The Sprite Report is sponsored by Bear Bowling! Bear has no idea how bowling works, but he'll teach you anyways!
Previous Sponsors:
This is a fictional ad, but if anyone wants to sponsor The Sprite Report, let's talk!
Click the bear image below for Alpha Pictures!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
Please follow The Sprite Report on Social media!