The Sprite Report Issue 187
In this article:
- 8 Weeks is just a Start.
- Another good day to pay attention in the Plot Owner chat.
- Paris Hilton. - Daily News Feed.
- Calendar of Events.

Upcoming Events:
October 18th: End of the 1 Month Staking Pool for TCG2
October 21st: TCG World Alpha Livestream with Guest(s)
October 28th: TCG World AMA Update Stream on Youtube
October 31st: Halloween. Also eRacing Series 1 Starts. Schedule Below.
November 17th: End of the 3 Month Staking Pool for TCG2
December 25th: Christmas
February 17th 2023: End of the 6 Month Staking Pool for TCG2
August 14th 2023: End of the 12 Month Staking Pool for TCG2
October 31st to November 5th: eRacing Series 1 (Qualifying / Daytona, USA)
November 7th to 12th: eRacing Series 2 (Qualifying / Barcelona, Spain)
November 14th to 19th: eRacing Series 3 (Qualifying / Le Mans, France)
November 21st to 26th: eRacing Series 4 (Qualifying / Silverstone, England)
November 28th to December 3rd: eRacing Week 5 (FINAL / Sebring, USA)
November 30th to December 4th: SEBRING REAL RACE
** Dates and times subject to change, Times are in PST 'cause I'm PST
- Marketplace Launch (Likely October)
- Dragon Egg Drop (October?)
- Full Launch of TCG World (Around Christmas)
For all the TCG World info you'll ever need, head over to The Sprite Index!
Have you Re-Tweeted TCG World Today? : )
The News
The First 8 Weeks:
TCG World partnered with SandStorm yesterday and announced the first 8 weeks AND a contest for their community. I can't wait to see what comes out of it!
BTW, those are just generic monster pics on the main image - not sprites you'll see in TCG World. Or... will they be? Hmmmmmmmmmm
Week 1 - Sprites, 3 evolutions fully rigged.
Week 2 - Silver Plot builds with either homes or businesses, including internal and external decorations.
Week 3 - Gold Plot builds with either homes or businesses, including internal and external decorations.
Week 4 - Dragons, 4 evolutions and 4 regional skins.
Week 5 - Sprites again (They’re a big part of TCG World!)
Week 6 - Platinum plot builds with either homes or businesses, including internal and external decorations.
Week 7 - Commercial plot builds, 128 x 128 business, can be galleries, zoos, bars, clubs, fitness centers or any other suitable businesses.
Week 8 - Client Experience on minimum 64 x 64m plot up to 256 x 256m plot.
Christmas Contest - Best overall Metaverse build out, max size 1012 x 1012, can include airports, ski resorts, festival area, golf course, amusement park, racing track, paint-balling arena, stadium, concert center, and more!
Check out the full Medium Partnership Announcement here: https://medium.com/@TCG_World/tcg-world-partners-with-sandstorm-6112458802ac
Also here's some great videos on Twitter about SandStorm! https://twitter.com/sandstormmeetup/status/1559632553396633600
TCG World tweets to Paris Hilton
Probably nothing.
Bear Meets Truck - Bear Wins!
Check out this video! Worthy of a repost. Best thing I've ever done in TCG World to date.
Lots of Tweets with Pics and Videos!
You can visit this link to see the latest, it's fun to go through the past 24 hours and see all the pics and videos people made! More and more about TCG world is getting posted!
Another good day to pay attention to David's messages in the Plot Owner chat!
Hint Hint. BOGO
TWO NEW Sprite Pictures!
I shall name him... Leafy.

I shall name him... Molten.

Edit: CLAIMED! Thank you for reading the daily TSR! First person who emails me letting me know the names I gave the two Sprites above AND includes their B S C addy will get 50 T C G 2 direct from me! All I ask is that the winner tweets about The Sprite Report and their glorious claim. Claimable until 10-16-22 12 noon PST.
Yalla got his Jersey!
He won this during the Football kickoff stream a few weeks back! So awesome, congratulations!
Today's Sprite Report is brought to you by DeSo Syndicate!
Don't know what to do with your plot? How about putting a frickin' Castle on it! Heck yeah!
Check out their website for assets you can use in TCG World! TCG Castle Promo Soon!
Hope you enjoyed today's Sprite Report! As always, I'll see you tomorrow!
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